How to setup vsro server ?

Setting up a server based on VSRO server files

Please Read First my ReadMe.txt in attachemnt (link)
So, since i got some free time, i can write this for everyone out there trying to get the server working without success for now. As you might already know, i've shared files i leaked from Vietnam Silkroad official servers to the community. So, here is what you will need for setting up a Silkroad server based on VSRO server files.

1. Windows XP/2003 Server/Windows 7/Windows 2008 Server/Windows 2008 Server r2 (one of those)
2. For handling 1000 players with all regions working, you will need 2 machines (you can run one as virtual)
3. One of the machines must have at least core i5 processor, and 6 - 8 GB of RAM, second might be slower a bit
4. Microsoft .NET framework 3.5+
5. Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2008 r2 (i will use 2k8 in this guide)
6. Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (in 2000 it's integrated, for 2005 u need to download it, same as for 2008). SSMS 2005 wont work with mssql server 2008
7. A bit of knowledge how that stuff works

Download all Server Files you need from here
Server Files

password is "fortheworstcommunityever".


Database Dumps
Clean Database Working with MSSQL 2005

Changeset vsro obt v247-v249 (u wont need it, unless you are just interested in viewing it)

Xtrap update files

Billing ASP scripts

Custom certification server
{ (applications by pushedx aka Drew, ini configuration by Dr.Abdelfattah)

Latest SMC Build

You can get MSSQL 2008 express edition from official Microsoft website
So, let's start. Save all that files in a folder on your hard disk, and extract them.
After you are done with setting up a mssql server, and restoring databases (i consider, database names will be SRO_VT_ACCOUNT, SRO_VT_SHARD, SRO_VT_SHARDLOG), you have to
create 3 ODBC sources (you can name then however you want, but i preffer to call them the same way as databases). Specify "SQL Server" as ODBC driver. Default language must be
English for all databases.

Also, you have to set ODBC default database names this way (needed for some mssql servers!!) :

It's pretty simple and understandable, because i use the same database names as ODBC.
Don't forget to edit _ShardService table, and change Shard ID to 64 in SRO_VT_ACCOUNT database.

Simple Explain About Certification :
After you are done with ODBC, you must configure your custom certification server to work with your database server. Just run 1 - Decompile file in it's folder,
it will decompile current packt.dat file, and save .ini files at "ini" folder. Open it, and you will see few files, which you have to replace with those
which you downloaded in another archive (from LegendaryDev). After you are done, open your "srGlobalService.ini", and configure it to work with your database
server. Don't forget, by default, mssql 2005 and 2008 does not bind on port 1433, they uses ODBC. So, you shouldn't put ",1433" after your server hostname (which
should look like "PC_NAME\SQLEXPRESS", or just "PC_NAME". Do same for "srShard.ini" file (also, you can edit some shard configuration there, like capacity).
Do not make server capacity more than 1000 for now (i will tell why a bit later). Then you will have to change the ip addresses for binding certification server. For
this, open srNoteType.ini, and change "wip" to your WAN ip, and "nip" to your local ip. After you are done with your common certification configs, run "2 - Compile.bat" file in order
to make a new "packt.dat" file (new one will be named "new_packt.dat"). After you are done with it, start third batch file ("3 - CustomCertificationServer.bat")

Now, if the certification window starts, and shows a message, that says server successfully bound on port 32000 (or any other, if you modifyed it), you are ready to begin configuring
server.cfg in your main server files folder. If it doesent, you should be done something wrong (it should be IP in 99% of cases).

Well, if you suceeded, open your server.cfg file in the main server files folder, and change all "Certification" ip addresses to your one. Take a look at SR_ShardManager and SR_GameServer configuration.
As you can see, there is a billing url at shard settings, which you will have to set up by installing a IIS server, and creating a website instance on some unused port running. Files you should put on your IIS website
are in the beginning of post (billing asp scripts). Also, don't forget to enable asp support in your IIS server, otwertise, it will not work (will give IIS core error, and wont work propertly).
You have to edit DBConnect.asp file with your MSSQL server security information. Don't forget to edit your billing server url in your server.cfg (it should be like "").

After you are done, you might try to start your server. Here is the sequence in which you should do it (might be different, but this one will work for sure).

Arrange :
1 - Custom certification server
2 - GlobalManager
3 - MachineManager
4 - DownloadServer
5 - GatewayServer
6 - FarmManager
7 - AgentServer
8 - SR_ShardManager
9 - SR_GameServer

If you got everything running fine, you might try to start the service. For doing it,
you have to download SMC (also check the top of this post), create a new server developer account, and log in using SMC.
For doing it, open your SSMSE, go to SRO_VT_ACCOUNT database, open TB_User table, and a new row with your account infos there (password is encrypted with usual md5 function). For giving account a rights
to access through SMC, you will have to change it's "sec_primary" to 1, same as "sec_content". Also, for connecting to SMC you will have to add your IP address to official ip ranges list.
For doing it, you have to edit _PrivilegedIP table in SRO_VT_ACCOUNT database (by default, it uses reverse integer "encryption", but you can modify it to use normal IP ranges. You can do it using this query :

(already done in the cleaned databases...)

After it's done, just add your ip range like this : if your ip is, for example, add each part of it in one column.

PHP Code:
127 0 0 1 127 0 0 5  
This will add 4 ip addresses into allowable ip ranges ( -

After you are done, restart your GatewayServer, if it was running while you were doing it.

Now you will have to edit your client side (server division ip address is stored at Media.pk2), you have to edit it with XVI32, Hex Workshop, or some other hexadecimal editor.
Well, you can also use a software writen by other people, like "Media Patcher", etc.

Common problems are
- Wrong MSSQL server setup
- Wrong certification server configs
- Wrong database names
- Wrong ODBC setup (not needed in some times)
- Wrong IIS setup
- Wrong ip addresses/ports defined in server.cfg
Some info you should know
- One agent server supports only 1000 users
- You can't run 1 gameserver with ALL regions working (_RefRegionBindAssocServer table in SRO_VT_SHARD database; 0 = disabled, 1 = gs1, 2 = gs2, 3 = g3)
- You can run only 1 gameserver/any another module instance at a single physical/virtual machine
- I don't have any sources of server modules executables to provide, so, reversing is the way to go for fixing stuff
- For adding new gameserver/agentserver/any other instance nodes, you have to know some stuff about the way modules are being certificated/linked
- Certification server reads the first network adapter primary ip address
- Basic certification architecture :
- Tons more
- Every GameServer could handel 50K spawned objects Only .

Common Problems (and solve)

[Guide] Patching Media.pk2 ip address using XVI32
Written by Chern0byl
So, since some people had problems patching Media.pk2 using pk2 tools and media patchers, i decided to make a guide to explain, how to do it "manually" using only hex editor.

So, first of all, you will need some hex editor (i would preffer XVI32 for such thing to do). You can get it here :

After you are done downloading, extract it to a some folder, and run xvi32.exe, open your media.pk2 file, and preff Ctrl + F (search), select Text string as search option, and type in the current ip address, or hostname which media contains. After it finds the text string, just rewrite it with whichever ip/hostname you need. After you are done, you might get in situation when your hostname/ip is not same length as old one (smaller). If so, you will have to set remaining symbols to null. Following screen shot shows how to do it.

After you are done, just save your Media.

searched in youtube 

Cracking GameServer to fix ratesWrited By Chernobyl*

So, some people might have problems even at such basic stuff as cracking a experience limit.

Gameserver reads rates as (real rate * 1000), it means, if you set rates to
35000, experience gain coefficent will be 35x. By default, gameserver forbidds making them more than 250 (2.5 x), but it's easy to crack.

So, open your SR_GameServer executable using OllyDBG, and patch the following addresses with following assembly codes.

================================================== ===========================
Individual experience ratio

PHP Code:
0042714C   F6C4 50          TEST AH,42  
================================================== ===========================
Party experience ratio

PHP Code:
004271F5   F6C4 42          TEST AH,42  
================================================== ===========================
Item drop rate

PHP Code:
004272A0   F6C4 42          TEST AH,42  
================================================== ===========================
Gold drop amount rate

PHP Code:
00427349   F6C4 42          TEST AH,42  
================================================== ===========================
HWLAN (berserker) gain factor

PHP Code:
004273CA  |. F6C4 44        TEST AH,42  
================================================== ===========================
Bypass creation of huge .dmp files (less lags)

PHP Code:
00964060     81EC 6C060000  SUB ESP,66C  
change command to

PHP Code:
jmp 009642FD  
================================================== ===========================

To do it, follow this screenshots. Open the file using OllyDBG (F3)

Double-click the line you were jumped to, and...

Do same for all addresses.


Use this query to clean out old data from SRO_VT_ACCOUNT tables. (If you Don't use cleaned Database)
PHP Code:

TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_User]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_User_Bak]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_CharRenameLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_Punishment]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_ServiceManagerLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_HN]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_BlockedUser]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_CasGMChatLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_Notice]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_SMCLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[QuaySoEpoint]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ITEM_GuardLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ItemSaleLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_PackageItemSaleLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_PK_UpdateLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ResetSkillLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_Silk]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SilkBuyList]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SilkGoods]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SubtractSilk_VAS]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SR_ShardCharNames]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Net2e]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Net2e_Bak]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[tb_paygate_trans]  

If you need to create your own GM account:
PHP Code:

1. You need a md5 hasher. (can google it)2. Go to TB_Users table
3. Fill the form like this:

    JIDFills automatically
    statuscan leave blank
    GMRankSet this to 1 (Server Dev(content administrator3  (content user(content marketer(content monitor(Content GM7  (content GM Leader)
    sec_primary set it to 1 (3 is normal user)
    sec_content set it to 1 (3 is normal user)

4. You can fill in the other neccesary fields like emailadress so onbut they're not really neccesary.  

This will clean up Log database instantly :

Use this to prune all old character data from shard :

PHP Code:
//..basically you need to delete these manually. (If you don't use cleaned databases)  

Simple registration page for official server files (php)
green/red/black books :
chernobyl write :

So, since vsro has such a "nice" thing like green/red/black books, i've made a simple solution for this, temporary, through.

So, You have to open your GlobalManager.exe, and search for this HEX code

PHP Code:
Which means
PHP Code:
update TB_USER set AccPlayTime  
Now just change AccPlayTime part to a some another name, for example, OnlineTime. After you are done, save the file, and open sql server management studio, open SRO_VT_ACCOUNT database, TB_User table, set all AccPlayTime field values to 0, and create a new column named "OnlineTime" (int).

Simple as that, but not the best solution. Users will have to relogin in order to be able to gain experience once green book appears (it will just reset).

You can use nearly any hex editor for this. I'd preffer Hex Workshop, or XVI32.

[Guide]How to Make GM Acc Working 100%! (already written in the top post !)

First:Open MMSQL>>>>SRO_VT_ACCOUNT>>>>Right Click on it>>>> Choose New Query>>>>Write This

PHP Code:

TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_User]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_User_Bak]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_CharRenameLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_Punishment]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_ServiceManagerLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[Test_HN]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_BlockedUser]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_CasGMChatLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_Notice]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[_SMCLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[QuaySoEpoint]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ITEM_GuardLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ItemSaleLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_PackageItemSaleLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_PK_UpdateLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_ResetSkillLog]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_Silk]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SilkBuyList]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SilkGoods]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SK_SubtractSilk_VAS]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[SR_ShardCharNames]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Net2e]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[TB_Net2e_Bak]TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[tb_paygate_trans]  

Open TB_User>>>
do like this
PHP Code:

JID:leave it
StrUserID:Username of SMC
Password:go to any MD5 Site and wirte any word you want then you will get the MD5 Code....go to Password table and put it

Close MSSQL after you done from this part!

After your Close the MSSQL>>>>Go open (SMC with the user we just made in TB_User)(but ofc you have to open the others .exe so your can open SMC)>>>>Choose Security>>>Choose User Security>>>>Right Click on the Write Page in SMC>>>>Click on Add User>>>>User Property will Appear(it will be like this)

PHP Code:

Password=your Acc Password
Retype Password=Just type your password again
Name=you can write any name you want
SSNumber=write in the first table(1) and the 2nd table write(1)Organiztion=write anything you want
Role=write anything you want
PrimarySecurityGroup=Choose Content GM
ContentSecurityGroup=Choose Content GM
Granted IP Adress=abit Complex  

if you using Hamachi ip then you going write it in Granted IP Adress
if you using 192.168.x.x then you going write it in Granted IP Adress
we done From this Part 

After you done from Second Part
go open MSSQL>>>TB_User>>>>you going find the acc we just created>>>>Look what you going do

PHP Code:

Sec_Primary:Change it from 6 to 1
Sec_Content:Change it From 6 to 1  

After you done from TB_User>>>Open _PrivilegedIP>>>put the IP you write in Granted IP Adress
it would be like this

PHP Code:

or the ip you put at Granted IP Adress 

hope you understand this part ^^
Now all you going do is Close MSSQL and Restart your Server >>>then you can Log on Game with the GM Acc
this Guide Credit to me(iam same one who posted it there at epvp)
Hope so it helpfull for you guys
FTP Server (filezilla) (for security reason don't setup open ftp like for guild/union pic in the machine which host server files)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
>> SQL Server 2005 - 32 bit (x86)

>> SQL Server 2005 Managament Studio 32 bit (x86)

>> SQL Server 2005 - 64 bit (x64)

>> SQL Server 2005 Managament Studio 64bit (x64)

I suggest to use google search instead of using those .. !!!
To support ur iis server to open php scripts

Full problems FiX here (for 2 aka 3 machines)
Make ur server without hamachi if u have static ip

Add Stater Items for Chars :

> Databases > SRO_VT_SHARD_INIT > Programmability > Stored Procedures > _AddNewChar.dbo
Right click it, click "Modify"
to add start items to your inventory scroll to the bottom
add lines like this :

ITEM_CH_SWORD_11_SET_B_RARE means Fight nova sword, obviously.... 1 means amount, 12 means plussvalue

like this :
exec _ADD_ITEM_EXTERN @CharName,'ITEM_CODE',(Amount),(Plusvalue)

mine looks like this

This is very useful

New Items Useful to Run Your Server 

non xtrap agent/sro_client by chernobyl

And full working Clean Databases works on SQL 2005 by Artuuro

Some Basic Security Guides you need to read before run your server for Public :


Basic Experience about creating Server(Guide):

1) Sql Server installation. 

 A. Download the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM - Express with Management Tools. 

b. Install the download file and follow the next steps.Click on the image to zoom!

c. Click on "New installation or add features to an exsisting installation" to continue the installation.Click on the image to zoom!

d. Click I accept the license and press Next.Go to the Click on the image to zoom!

e. Select all and press next.Click on the image to zoom!

f. Choose an instance name, the guide will use the normal SQLExpress.

But you can choose another one but then you have to remember it, not recommended if this is your first time! 

And press next.Click on the image to zoom!

g. Check the guide image, after that press next.Click on the image to zoom!

h. Choose "Mixed Mode" and write a password for the db.
This will be the main password for the db, pw123 is beeing used in this guide.

Press "Add current user" the Next.Click on the image to zoom!

i. Press next.Click on the image to zoom!

j. Wait the the installation to complete, this might take a while depending on your computer.

k. You have completed the first part of this guide.
Give yourself a pat on the shoulder and move on to the next part!

 -Go to next Part 2

2) SRO DB installation.
Part 1 - Back to start - Part 3

a. Press start and search for "SQL Server Managment Studio".
And open that software.
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b. Check the guide image.
Choose the express server name, SQL Server Authentication, Default Login is "sa" and the password you choose in the part 1.
If you used the same as the guide you should have pw123.

And click Connect.
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c. When you have logged in click on the Database tab, then rightclick and click "New Database".
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d. Now we will add clean databases where we can backup the real sro db into afterwords.

Name the first db "SRO_VT_ACCOUNT" and press OK.
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e. Do the same thing and this time write the db name "SRO_VT_LOG" and press Ok.
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f. Do the same thing and this time write the db name "SRO_VT_SHARD" and press Ok.
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g. Now we will restore the real SRO db.
Rightclick on SRO_VT_ACCOUNT DB choose Tasks > Restore > Database...
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h. Choose "From device:" and press the button on the right.
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i. Press the "Add" button.
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j. Choose the SRO_VT_ACCOUNT.bak file located in the vSRO server files you downloaded and click OK.
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k. Press OK.
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l. Check the Restore box, and head to Option tap.
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m. In the option tab you should check the box "Overwrite exising database."
And press OK.
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n. First DB has now been restored, do the same thing with the next 2 databases LOG and SHARD.
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o. SRO_VT_LOG restore.
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p. SRO_VT_SHARD restore.
And you are done with this Part, go to the next part!

3) ODBC installation.
Part 2 - Back to start - Part 4

a. Press start and search for "ODBC". And open that.
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b. Press the "System DNS" tab and press Add..
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c. Search for "SQL Server Native Client" and choose it, then press Finnish,
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d. Write SRO_VT_ACCOUNT as the name, and write your SQL Server name in the Server: field.

You can find the SQL Server name in the Management studio if your not sure.
It usually is your "computer name"-PC/SQLEXPRESS
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e. Check the guide image and do the same.
And press next.
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f. Choose English language, and Preform translation... And press Finish.
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f. Click Test Data Source...
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g. If the test completed successfully press OK.
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h. After you have made the same thing on the LOG and SHARD press OK.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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4) GM account installation.
Part 3 - Back to start - Part 5

a. Go back to the SQL Server Management studio and open SRO_VT_ACCOUNT DB, Tables > Rightclick on dbo._PreviegedIP and choose "Edit all rows".
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b. Insert your IP like this.
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c. Scroll down and search for the table "TB_User".
You can either edit the current account pr use the default.

The default GM account is ID: admin PW: pw123

The password has to be in DM5 and can be converted here. Link:
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d. Also make sure that the GM account got nr "1" on sec_primary and sec_content.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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5) CGI installation.
Part 4 - Back to start - Part 6

a. Press start and enter your control panel.
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b. Press the "Turn Windows features on or off"
And select the same objects in the Internet information Service as the guide image shows.
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c. Now go to the wwwroot.
Located at: C:inetpubwwwroot

And insert the files from the CGI_Internal.rar
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d. Now edit the DBConnect.asp file like the image shows with your info and save it.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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6) IIS installation.
Part 5 - Back to start - Part 7

a. Press start and search for "iis".And open that software.
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b. Open the Default Webs Site as the images shows.
And press Bindings on the right, edit the port to 8080.
press Ok.
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c. Now start the website bu clicking on Start in the right as the image shows.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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7) Server configuration 1
Part 6 - Back to start - Part 8

a. Now open the server files folder and go to CertModule > ini
and open srGlobalService.ini and edit the file wiht your info. And save it.
Check the image for more info.
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b. Open srNodeType.ini and edit the file wiht your info. And save it.
Check the image for more info.
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c. Open srShard.ini and edit the file wiht your info.
And save it.
Check the image for more info.
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d. Go back to CertModule and start the "1-complie.bat" file.
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e. If everything works the process will complete successfully.
And yo can close it.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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8) Server configuration 2
Part 7 - Back to start - Part 9

a. Now we will extract the Data folder from the Data.pk2
Open the extractor from pk2_tools_editor_extractor.rar

Press File>open and choose the Data.pk2 from the VSRO client.
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b. Press File>open and choose the Data.pk2 from the VSRO client.
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c. Press extract shown, this will extract the files into a folder where your extractor.exe file is placed.
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d. Now copy the "Data" folder and paste it in the "Blizkrieg_Bin_Data" folder like thie image shows.

And you are done, now go to the next part!
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9) Server Startup
Part 8 - Back to start - Part 10

a. Go to the CertModule and start the
"2-CustomCertificationServer.bat" file.

You can also create a shortcut to this file.
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b. Go to the Blitzkreig_Bin_data and start the
"GlobalManager.exe" file.

You can also create a shortcut to this file.
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d. Go to the Blitzkreig_Bin_data and start the
";achineManager.exe" file.

You can also create a shortcut to this file.
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e. Go to the SMC_Independent and start the
"smc_independent.exe" file.

Insert your GM account id and pw, and press OK.

You can also create a shortcut to this file.
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f. Now press Application > LoadPlugins.
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g. This is the Alarm that will come up if the server crashes.
For now press Stop and No More Alarm.
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h. Click on the small boxes to expand the view.
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i. Rightclick on the Common box and choose
Launch Processes[4] > All
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j. Rightclick on the Shard box and choose
Launch Processes[3] > All
Go to the forum for help and support!Click on the image to zoom!

k. Wait for everything to be complete loaded.
This might take a while.
Go to the forum for help and support!Click on the image to zoom!

l. Rightclick on the Common box and choose Start service.
Go to the forum for help and support!Click on the image to zoom!

m. Rightclick on the Shard box and choose Start service.
Go to the forum for help and support!
n. If everything works as i should it should now be online and the dots should be green and the computers light blue.

And you ca Reactivate Alarm.
Go to the forum for help and support!Click on the image to zoom!

10) Game login 
(Not complete)
Part 9 - Back to start - Part 11

a. How to login to your server.
Open the edxSilkroadLoader5_0_3d and choose the sro_client.exe from the vSRO client folder.

And check Multiclient and Redirect Gateway Server to your ip and port 15779.

If you got problems starting the client turn off your firewall.

This guide will be fixed and much more guides will be added, like website registration pk2 edit and much more.

Please check for updates and changes about these guides!

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